jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

Realistic and true story or fantastic?

    Stephanie was a charming girl, she knew how narrate fairytales, she had an impressive imagination. Once, she told me the story of Tito Ferro, an incredible dog, he was a hero, he was Robin’s assistant; the same thing was Robin of Batman. The dog had his own house, with a little neighbor, Shrek. Shrek had a very cute grandmother who lives with him; Shrek’s grandmother was coming to the dog’s house without permission. Suddenly, when she opened the door, there it was, Robin Hood, stealing the dog’s food. The grandmother noticed to the dog of that, and then she throws plum to Robin Hood in his face, and kick him until the dog arrived with Robin, Batman and a lot of dogs to the rescue. Batman and Robin punch Robin Hood, and he run, but the dogs chased him and bit it. After that, the Dog could recuperate the things that belongs him. To celebrate, they went all together dinner. The restaurant was very expensive, so expensive that Batman was enraged and told to the restaurant owner that those prices were against the law. The owner picks a knife and threatened Batman. When Superman appeared and attacked the owner and rescued Batman. Superman made a K.O. whit the owner. I loved that story, it wasn’t realistic. Sometimes, a realistic story is very good, but I lick the fictional.

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